Health And Wellness: Benefits Of Participating In A Medical Trial

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By Samantha Rodgers

girljogA person’s health and overall wellness are two of their most precious assets, yet we often take these things for granted. When we’re younger, we assume that we’ll always enjoy good health and, as a result, don’t give much thought to maintaining it for the years to come. No matter what your age or current health condition, you can and should become an advocate for your own health and wellness. Participating in paid clinical trials is one way in which you can keep an eye on your health with the goal of improving it.

• Finding Trials Geared Toward You. To reap the greatest benefits for your health and wellness, it’s important to find trials that are geared toward your needs. These trials have criteria that each participant must meet before they can become part of the trial. Once you find a trial you’re interested in and contact the administrator, you’ll be interviewed to determine preliminary qualifications and later may schedule a physical examination. If it’s determined you’re not a good fit or you decide the particular trial isn’t for you, there are others you can apply for.

• Reaping the Benefits of Top-Notch Medical Care. One of the greatest benefits of participating in these trials is the free medical care. You’ll regularly meet with doctors, nurses and other medical staff members while benefitting from professional-level medical attention. If you’re dealing with a challenging medical condition, it can be especially helpful to be part of a trial that’s focusing on new advancements in medicine.

• Benefiting from New Treatment Options. When you’ve faced a challenging health situation for years without being able to find a solution that works for you, participating in a trial focused on your condition can help you benefit from new treatment options being tested. Whether it’s a new medicine or other mode of treatment, having access to new options can provide you with the hope and relief you’ve been unable to find until now.

• Participation and Compensation. Another benefit of participating in a medical trial is monetary compensation. Aside from the healthcare, access to medication and new treatment methods, you’ll be paid for your participation in the trial. Each trial compensates differently, but knowing you’ll earn money for your time and effort can help provide financial relief. Even if earning money isn’t your main reason for participating in trials, it’s a by-product that you can benefit in whether the compensation is applied toward future medical care, health expenses or other things.

In your quest for improved health and wellness, you may have considered many other options, such as exercise, diet and ceasing bad habits like smoking and drinking. These are all beneficial options that can help you maintain or improve your health. Include these as advised by your doctor while participating in trials for medicine or drugs when the right opportunity arises. As you help medical personnel and researchers advance in their knowledge, you’ll benefit from the medical care provided while also contributing toward the future care of countless others.

– Samantha Rodgers writes about volunteering for medical trials and sites such as GSK which offer information on taking part and opportunities to register your interest.