How To Get Your Kids To Ditch The iPad And Play Sports

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By Maria Myraine Yap

boyvideogameResearch shows that children with access to electronic devices are more likely to be overweight. A survey by REAL Kids Alberta showed that Grade 5 students with access to one electronic device were 1.47 times more likely to be overweight compared to kids with no devices in the bedroom. The number jumped to 2.57 times for kids with three devices.

If your kids aren’t exactly the athletic type, there is still hope. Love for sports can be taught given the proper encouragement and reinforcement. Sometimes, all it takes is a visit to the park or a cool outfit. For example, you can get your kids excited with custom socks from Strideline or a ticket to watch their favorite team. If they don’t have a favorite team? Take them to see your favorite team, mom & dad! Getting your kids to ditch the iPad for sports isn’t at all that difficult.

Not sure where to start? Here are some tips to get your kids away from the computer and into sports.

1. Find A Sport They Enjoy

It goes without saying (but we’ll say it anyway) that a sport needs to be enjoyable for kids to commit to it. If your child isn’t into the same sports as you are, don’t force it. Find your child an activity he/she truly enjoys. Chances are, they’ll be more excited for it.

2. Get Them Excited With Cool Gear

Every child wants to be the cool kid on the block. What better way to show up than with awesome gear? Great gear isn’t only cool, it boosts performance and reduces risk of injury as well. That’s a win-win in any book! Check out for custom socks that will help them stand out from the competition.

3. Help Them Nurture Friendships With Active Kids

twokidsunParents often underestimate the power of peer influence and peer pressure. According to Judith Rich Harris, a leading American psychologist, external influences from friends, pop-culture, and society have a profound effect on a child’s growth and development.

That said, it is absolutely vital to surround your kids with good influences. Take them to little league and encourage them to join the school varsity team so that they can bond and cultivate friendships with other active children.

4. Lead By Example

Children tend to copy what they see. So if you spend your days in front of the TV or computer, expect your kids to do the same. Studies show that active parents make for active kids. Kids whose parents hit the gym at least twice a week grew up to be more active than those whose parents never exercised.

Committing to your child’s health and wellness means cultivating an environment conducive to exercise and recreation. Sometimes, that requires getting of the couch and breaking a sweat. Whether you like it or not, parenthood comes with certain responsibilities, one of which is being a positive role model to your children.

In this day and age of electronics and digital media, encouraging your children to play sports can be difficult. However, with the right environment and an active upbringing, sports can be an integral part of their everyday lives.